

Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!   Before the end of last year, he did manage to get some more solar power installed, this time for our storm shelter.  He had some help from Isaiah, our great-nephew, who came to spend a week of his Christmas break with us.

Isaiah, happy helper.

Charge Controller for Storm Shelter

Install complete for lights & radio in the storm shelter
I'll be posting some updated photos of the greenhouse also.


  1. That’s very smart! Just fill your storm shelter with all the tools you can use while the weather is still fine. Nothing beats preparedness in times of emergencies. Also, don’t forget your emergency weather radio to continually receive tornado alerts, and announcements on important medications and dry food. I prefer power bars, most of the time. And, yeah, baby food, if you have one. ;] -->Edwina Sybert

  2. We don't have a baby. We're both retired, but we did build put in a separate shelter for our adult kids and their share of our grandkids, down the hill. We do have an emergency weather radio. I don't care for the power bars, but we have our shelter stocked with MRE's, water, etc. We store his homemade wine down there too. ;-)
