

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013

By now, we have eaten and shared a lot of salads from the greenhouse.  He even pulled a beautiful carrot out of the carrot bed the other morning and then proceeded to wash and eat it.  We cut up the first batch of snow peas into our salad bowl with the rest of the salad, and they were delicious.  He has cabbages beginning to head up, still picking radishes and lots of lettuce and spinach.  The green beans are getting blooms on them, and the basket cucumber has small cucumbers on the vines.  Our weather has been taking turns, warm snap, then a cold snap, and then another warm snap.  We still have to watch the temps in the greenhouse and run the indoor wood stove to provide heat for the greenhouse at night if it's too cold out.  The winter hasn't been too bad so far, but I hope we get some more rain or even snow before it's over.  I would hate to see the drought continue into next summer.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10, 2013

We have snow pea pods and little cucumbers on the vines in the greenhouse now!

I've spent a couple of days now at the hospital in West Plains, as our youngest son broke his ankle and had to have surgery on it yesterday.  He broke both the leg bones just above the ankle, dislocated the ankle, and broke some kind of hook bone that joins them all together at the ankle.  After installing a plate and at least 10 pins/screws, they let him come home in a boot cast.  Now he gets to spend his birthday at the orthopedic surgeon's office for his first follow-up appointment after surgery.  It's been a hectic week so far.  I can't believe it's already Thursday.

Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!   Before the end of last year, he did manage to get some more solar power installed, this time for our storm shelter.  He had some help from Isaiah, our great-nephew, who came to spend a week of his Christmas break with us.

Isaiah, happy helper.

Charge Controller for Storm Shelter

Install complete for lights & radio in the storm shelter
I'll be posting some updated photos of the greenhouse also.