

Monday, February 20, 2012


The counter tops are here!  We picked them up today, along with our Merlite for the kitchen and assorted other connectors and finish nails.  I think all the BIG stuff is now on site to finish out the house.  In the meantime, he's got the bathroom sanded, getting ready for texture.  He's been trimming out the closet and utility room, moving all the tools (again), and cleaning, and more cleaning, getting ready for the rest of the paint.  He put the cement backer board down and laid tile for the hearth.  We picked Colorado slate counters, which we thought would go nicely with the oak cabinets and the Travertine tile that we picked out for the floor.  Here's a piece of the floor tile laid on the counter. 

It's all very exciting.  Step by step.  Day by day.  God had truly blessed us throughout this whole adventure.


  1. It's just going to be beautiful Bee.

  2. You sat over at the new house yesterday for a half hour and didn't take one photo? I'ma gonna hava a tawk wit yose........LOL

  3. He didn't want me to take any photos until after the counter top was set and the tall cabinet fastened in. So, you can have a talk with HIM. LOL
