

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 19, 2012

Temperatures have finally cooled down, and it looks like we might get some fall this year.  It's been busy around here as usual.  Besides getting the last items for getting the greenhouse and solar array into place ordered and delivered or picked up, he has started on the greenhouse.

As he put it, "A new adventure begins!"

Greenhouse is started.

Hoops are up.

The hoops and center support are up, ready to rack and level.  Seems like there have been a dozen projects in the works here.  I've been able to finally get more stuff packed over to the house from the old mobile.  I think the rest might be a lot faster.  He got me a new cedar porch swing too.  Just have to get it sanded, stained, and put up.  He wants to wait & get a new photo from the pond until after the greenhouse is up.  


  1. Moving in the cooler weather is so much more pleasant.....if moving can be pleasant. ;-)

    How many sq. is the green house? I'm slowly working on FTWB for one here. LOL

  2. Nancy, the greenhouse is 12' x 14' -- so almost 170 sq feet..
